Community Education

All Volunteer, Non-Profit: Providing Search & Rescue Resources Since 1999

An equally important aspect of our mission beyond assisting in searches is the education of the general public. We work to inform the public and children in particular of measures to take to prevent from becoming lost and what to do in the unfortunate situation where they become lost. This educational aspect is so important to us that it is part of our charter and agreement with the state. If our educational outreach is successful then we can not only increase the likelihood of survival, but moreover, decrease the likelihood of becoming lost in the first place.

An added benefit of our educational programs is to familiarize the public with our capabilities so they and local law enforcement can get us involved as early as possible to assist with a search and increase the odds of survival. Additionally, it lets the public meet a search dog in uniform at an informational event. This gives them the familiarity of a search dog, so should they become lost they are not afraid of our canine partners. We utilize the Association of National Park Rangers “Lost But Found” (LBF) program. LBF offers training to children and their families on how not to get lost, and how to act, stay safe and comfortable if they do become lost.

K9 and Kids Camp

Greater Atlantic Rescue Dogs proudly participates in K9 and Kids Camp hosted by Family Dog Club of Chesapeake, Virginia. This is a very special summer camp where dogs bring the kids! This week long camp gives the campers a unique opportunity to learn all about dogs, including several of our very own search and rescue dogs! Be sure to check out their website for additional information Below is K9 Nash with some campers from 2013.
